(8 replies, posted in Themes)

ijalfauzi wrote:

Nice work, bro!
The appearance of your theme looks good and clear.
But, I want to ask something based on your demo pictures (because no live demo there). If the buyers want to buy something, then they have to go to the "details page". I mean, there is no "shortcut" to add the items to the cart, like "add to cart" button.

I think that's all, and you're amazing! big_smile

thank you ijal. ok, before I've thought about that ("shortcut" to "add to cart" the items) . but I think it is good to see the details first before you choose the product/items.

thank you for your attention..


(8 replies, posted in Themes)

Hi, this is my newest themes for monstra. thank's to nakome which already makes this excellent plugin (My Contact and Shop Plugin).

This theme just to shop website or to sell some thing.

screenshot (no demo live):

* click images to large preview

Home Page

Shop Page

Details Page

Cart Page

Checkout Page

Paypal Page

Contact Page



* open theme-shop-monstra.zip
* go to folder "theme-shop-monstra"
* there are 3 folders: plugins, public and storage
* move folder boosukee (on public --> themes) to your root server directory (root directory --> public --> themes)
* move folder blocks (on storage) to your root server directory (root directory --> storage)
* or you can do it your own way to move the folder.


* select folder plugins
* move folder miniShop and mycontact plugins to your plugin directory (root directory --> plugins)
* go to Admin panel --> Plugins --> Instal New --> Instal

STEP 3 (for activating the theme)
* go to Admin panel --> Select Theme (on drop down menu) --> Site Theme -> Select Theme --> boosukee --> Save
* Visit Site and and look of your New Theme

For how to create a Shop Page, Details Page, Cart Page and Contact Page you can follow the instructions below:

Shop Page

* go to Admin panel --> Create New Page
* in New Page choose the Title = Shop, for Name (slug) = shop
* on setting you choose Setting --> Template --> choose products

Details Page

* go to Admin panel --> Create New Page
* in New Page choose the Title = Shop Item, for Name (slug) = shop-item
* on setting you choose Setting --> Template --> choose product

Cart Page, Checkout Page and Paypal Page

* go to Admin panel --> Create New Page
* in New Page choose the Title = Shop Items, for Name (slug) = shop-items
* on setting you choose Setting --> Template --> choose total

Contact Page

* go to Admin panel --> Create New Page
* in New Page choose the Title = could be any, for Name (slug) = could be any
* on setting you choose Setting --> Template --> choose contact

To change the slider images, product view, and links in the footer, you can follow the instructions below:

Slider Images

* go to Admin panel --> Blocks --> content-slider

Product View

* go to Admin panel --> Blocks --> product-1, 2, 3, 4

Footer/Colophon Links

* go to Admin panel --> Blocks --> colophon-menu-1, 2, 3, 4

Icon Font

* please have a look at Font Awesome

for more installation and how to post it, you could see this video on youtube made by nakome.


Download themes



Slider images Naruto from google images
Shop images from Codrops (tympanus.net)


(2 replies, posted in Projects)

I wish I was there, it would be a a pleasant thing big_smile


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Another nice tool for generating colour palettes on the fly: http://www.colourco.de/


(16 replies, posted in Plugins)

uuh.. yeah!! i will immediately try on my localhost. big_smile


(5 replies, posted in Plugins)

it is easy to change the look of my website if i'm already bored with the previous one haha.. good job nakome!


(2 replies, posted in Themes)


This theme is my latest theme and this theme perfect for blogging. For a while i did not make all the pages as my previous theme. I just want it to look easy.


Live Demo


If you have questions, please comment below or send me a private message. Thanks.


(1 replies, posted in Projects)

hi awilum, for a while i just could help create a theme for monstra big_smile


(2 replies, posted in Showcase)

this is your new site nakome? nice site and thank you for making me a friend list cool


(11 replies, posted in Themes)

unborn wrote:

@Aryandhani hey man this is nice smile we may hang out somehow for theme development wink I pm  you link to my small dev wink

thanks's @unborn. ok, i check your pm smile


(11 replies, posted in Themes)

thanks all.. wink


(11 replies, posted in Themes)


Download: Curmudgeon


(5 replies, posted in Questions)

unborn wrote:


did you seen section how to create new theme on monstra main site? I created  87 bootstrap monstra themes and I did used native menu in each theme heh

wow 87 bootstrap monstra themes? can i see a demo? big_smile


(30 replies, posted in Plugins)

wow it's good job nakome. when this plugin will be released?


(7 replies, posted in Themes)

Topix31 wrote:

It is edited in the file "header"?

hi Topix31, actual code sequence in header.chunk.php like this:

<!-- Open Graph Protocol -->
<meta property="og:site_name" content="<?php echo Site::name(); ?>">
<meta property="og:url" content="<?php echo Url::current(); ?>">
<meta property="og:title" content="<?php echo Site::name(); ?> | <?php echo Site::title(); ?>">

and the missing code that i found is here, or there is a problem after the code:

<meta property="og:site_name" content="Рунетки Чат">

try to remove this code in header.chunk.php

<!-- Open Graph Protocol -->
<meta property="og:site_name" content="<?php echo Site::name(); ?>">
<meta property="og:url" content="<?php echo Url::current(); ?>">
<meta property="og:title" content="<?php echo Site::name(); ?> — <?php echo Site::title(); ?>">
<!-- Google+ Snippets -->
<meta itemprop="url" content="<?php echo Url::current(); ?>">
<meta itemprop="name" content="<?php echo Site::name(); ?> | <?php echo Site::title(); ?>">

might be helpful, thank's. big_smile


(7 replies, posted in Themes)

nakome and longfield: thanks wink cool


(7 replies, posted in Themes)


Hi... This is my first theme for Monstra. I am very pleased to finally finish some pages to be easily used by those of you who use this theme.

I made a page like: blog page, blog post page, contact page, work page and about me page.

download: Portfolio Monstra Theme

demo: Portfolio Monstra Theme


Home Page

About Me Page

Work Page

Blog Page

Blog Post Page

Contact Page


* open portfolio-montra-theme.zip
* go to folder Portfolio Monstra Theme
* there are 3 folders: plugins, public and storage
* select folder public and storage, and move to your root server directory (it will ask for rewrite folders: public and storage - allow.).
* or you can do it your own way to move the folder. big_smile

STEP 2 (for Plugins that i have modified)
* select folder plugins
* move folder blog, blogpost, and contact to your plugin directory
* go to Admin panel --> Plugins --> Instal New --> Instal

STEP 3 (for activating the theme)
* go to Admin panel --> Select Theme (on drop down menu) --> Site Theme -> Select Theme --> portfolio-montra-theme --> Save
* Visit Site and and look of your New Theme

For how to create a blog page and blog post can be performed, you can see the tutorial here: Monstra Theme Documentation

For how to create a about me page, work page and contact page, you can follow the instructions below:

* for about me page go to Admin panel --> Create New Page
* in New Page choose the Title (could be any). for Name (slug) could be any
* on setting you choose Setting --> Template --> choose about

* for work page go to Admin panel --> Create New Page
* in New Page choose the Title (could be any). for Name (slug) could be any
* on setting you choose Setting --> Template --> choose work

* for contact page go to Admin panel --> Create New Page
* in New Page choose the Title (could be any). for Name (slug) could be any
* on setting you choose Setting --> Template --> choose work

If you have questions please contact me at Aryandhani - Contact



(2 replies, posted in Showcase)

thanks smile


(2 replies, posted in Showcase)

Built with Monstra CMS, HTML5 Boilerplate and Font Awsome.. cool



(6 replies, posted in Plugins)

Blog Post Navigation for Monstra CMS.

Sorry to my english big_smile


<?php echo Blogpost::display(); ?>

and add to your


After you put the code, its look little bit messy. then you have to put this HTML code in blog-post.template.php :

<div class="page-nav">
        <?php echo Blogpost::display(); ?>

And put this css code in default.css or style.css on your theme. So that it looks to be in the middle of posts on your blog.

/* Blog Post Navigation */
.page-nav {
    clear: both;
    width: 100%;
    display: inline-block;
    text-align: center;
    margin: 20px 0;
    zoom: 1;
    /* IE 7 Hack starts here*/
     *display: inline;
.page-nav ul {
    list-style: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding-left: 0;
.page-nav li {
    position: relative;
    display: inline-block;
    text-align: center;
    margin-right: 25px;
    zoom: 1;
    /* IE 7 Hack starts here*/
     *display: inline;
.page-nav li:last-child {
    margin-right: 0;
.page-nav a {
    display: block;



Download: blogpost.zip


(5 replies, posted in Themes)

good job nakome. it's great!!


(2 replies, posted in Showcase)

great site nakome, and this is my website http://aryan-dhani.tk/. bulit with html5 boilerplate, twitter bootstrap, and font awesome. big_smile


(2 replies, posted in Projects)

it's a simple design. nice..


(4 replies, posted in Plugins)

a very cool plugin. i think i really need it, thanks a lot dude!


(1 replies, posted in Questions)

ok, the problem was resolved. Thank you for your attention.